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Basics of Geomorphology
by Madhujya Mili, Bhupendra Nath Goswami, Uttam Mili
Climate Change
by Rex Immanuel, R.
Environmental Science and Soil Ecology: A Glossary
by Farooq Ahmad Lone, Subhash Chand, Suraj Kumar, Bhawani Singh and Azrah
Environmental Chemistry
by Avnish Chandra
Landuse and Bioresource Management for Sustainable Livelihood
by O.P. Tripathi, S.T. Lalzarzovi, Lalnuntluanga, B.P. Mishra
Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection
by Rehana Rasool, Rakshanda Anayat, Feroz Ahmad Parry, S. A. Shameem
Applied Microbiology: An Innovative Approach
by Dr. Chandra Gurnani, Dr. B. B. S. Kapoor
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