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Ambedkar, Schedule Caste and Indian Politics
by Debashish Bhasin, Chitragandha Adapa
Ambedkar for Scheduled Caste
by Mehul Singh Gaba
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Ideas and Thoughts
by Xavier P. Mao, Subhash C. Arya
Dalits And Buddhism A Case Study Of Lucknow
by Shailesh Tripathi, Savita Mittal
Gandhi, Ambedkar An Empowerment Of Dalit
by Ved Prakash, Chaitranyan Prabhat Raj
Dalit Literature: Journey from Repression to Resistance
by Dr.S. Chelliah. Dr. Bijender Singh
Dalit Women In Social Conflict (The Case Of Harayana)
by Archana Sinha, Denzil Fernandes
Dalits in Colonial Era
by Mathew Abraham
Gender, Caste And Social Justice
by Dr. Anji A, Dr. A. Ranjithkumar
Paradigms Of Marginality: A Critical Assessment
by Dr. S. Chelliah, Dr. Bijender Singh
The Downtrodden (Caste Tribe Women)
by Dr. Vijay Prakash Sharma
Untouchability and Caste System
by Ajaya Kumar Mallik
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