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Dimensions of Gender and Women Empowerment
by Pooja Joshi, Namita Soni
Human Resources Management
by Marilian Olive
A Handbook of Agricultural Entrepreneurship
by Lokesh Gupta, Rekha Vyas, S.K. Sharma, Suriti Gupta, Amit Kumar
Reimaging HR in the Eclectic New Age
by Suryanarayana Alamuri and Rekha S. Pathak
The World of Brands and Branding
by Rajat Pathak, Anil Vashisht
Business Plan for Sustainable Agri-Business
by Jyoti Kachroo, Naveed Hamid, Vansh Gupta
Cooperative Learning And Achievement
by S.K. Panneer Selvam
Customers Behaviour in Retail Chain Marketing The Approach and Analysis
by S. Acharya, A. Biswas, Sagar Banik, Anwesha Mandal, Riti Chatterjee
Farm Fresh Retailing Case of Customer Satisfaction
by Tanveera Hassan Lone, Dr. Jyoti Kachroo, Naveed Hamid
Subsidiary Enterprises to Empower Women and Rural Youths
by Saroj Toppo, Tasvina R. Borah, Nazrul Haque, Abhijit Mitra
Yes, You can Launch Your Own Enterprise: Beginner's Guide
by Dr. J.P. Sharma, Dr. Nishi Sharma, Dr. Reshma Gills, Dr. Pratibha Joshi, Dr. Girijesh Mahra, Dr. Punitha P.
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